e M b r a c e
  • New Delhi, India

  • Mon-Sat: 10.00 AM - 06:00 PM


eMbrace is recognised as a center of excellence for autism through I-CAN .

We provide four different styles of therapy based of the individual needs and requirements of the clients. These are in form of early intervention, school readiness program, parent coaching and skill based training .

Early Intervention: Specialized child driven support is provided to children as young as 18 months to ensure best possible learning outcomes by equipping early learners with essential skills for adaptive functioning and receptiveness in their learning environment.

School Readiness:This individualized curriculum provides a structured environment to the child, where we prioritize peer engagement, social skills, play, literacy skills of reading, writing and numeracy that help them transition, to enter mainstream schools

Parent Training : This program targets transferring skills to parents through one-on-one coaching empowering them to support their children at home by enhancing their child’s social engagement, communication, imitation and play skills using meaningful activities and routines

Skill Training: After a detailed evaluation of the child’s strengths and weaknesses as well as their overall learning ability, personalized learning plans are created for them that use a strength based approach to help them eliminate learner roadblocks and acquire the non – emergent skills and abilities, in a positive supportive learning environment.

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